Similar words: through, go through, all through, get through, throughout, run through, fall through, put through. Meaning: v. 1. make a passage or journey from one place to another 2. cause to move through 3. pass through an enemy line; in a military conflict pass-through. n. an opening that resembles a window between two rooms (especially a shelved opening between a kitchen and dining room that is used to pass dishes).
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121 In 1959 when the No. 1 Jianghan Bridge was built in Wuhan, allowing the riverside road to pass through its side span, our first half- cloverleaf grade separation was constructed.
122 The majority of us lead quiet, unheralded lives as we pass through this world.
123 According to the theory that has been demonstrated, sampled finger polarity must be placed inversely phase wherever the weighting function pass through zero-joints.
124 Ruochuan came to Canada in the Fall of 2010, taking one term to pass through the English Language Centre before enrolling in his first academic term in January of this year.
125 Pass through extensive experiment and science's analysis and argumentation. "
126 Electricity will pass through it if the positive pole of the thyristor is connected to a positive voltage and the trigger terminal is giver pulse.
127 Nutrients pass through the funicle to the ovule and seed.
128 The valve not only possesses the functions of ordinary check valve,( but also allows the inclinometer to pass through it smoothly without affecting the deviational survey.
129 After emerging from the lamp reflector, the p-polarized light would pass through a half-wave retarder that would occupy half of the beam cross section.
130 Pass through greatly the argil child that be born window can see one is fastening red scarf, piquant bearing take in everything in a glance, let a person look at also cannot help laughing.
131 We have not been created to just pass through this life without aim.
132 As you enter the Vatican Museums, you pass through large sculptured doors.
133 The NYSE's tentative $10 billion sale to Germany's Deutsche B?rse will need to pass through a regulatory gauntlet in the next few months, which could ensnarl the deal in red tape.
134 In the fully plastic condition, the neutral axis does not necessarily pass through the centroid.
135 As neutrons pass through matter, they make occasional elastic collisions with nuclei.
136 Foreign bodies most commonly become lodged in the stomach because of the inability to pass through the pyloric sphincter , and in the jejunum.
137 The straight line may pass through the center of the dust cover of each acoustic driver.
138 Allows 70% of natural light to pass through your windows but rejecting up to 97% of infra-red heat and 99% of harmful ultra-violet rays!
139 Or, does not pass through the infrared pronunciation transcriber reservoir memory, the new content by the infrared communication way input infrared sound transmitter, uses directly for the broadcast.
140 Forget the physical body, pass through the energy body; it is simply a ball of light.
141 When you drink the gloriously golden wine, a sensuously smooth will pass through your Body.
142 We pass through the living skin to enter a capillary vessel, where blood oozes by.
143 This eyelet is so small that even the smallest screw cannot pass through.
144 Please show your valid entry and exit documents when you pass through the Customs inspection place.
145 Not be allowed to pass through to sit upon the sidewalk, roadway and railroad crossing guard - rails.
146 As you enter the Vatican Museums, you pass through large sto sculptured doors.
147 The supermarket staff indicated that these powdered milk pass through the examination qualified product.
148 Evaluation of the life by means of the shear strength of sample which pass through heating oxygen aging test according to environmental test specification was.
149 An imaginary line drawn from the top of the shoulder blade should pass through the elbow.
150 If the shooter was there, what did the bullet pass through?
More similar words: through, go through, all through, get through, throughout, run through, fall through, put through, cut through, come through, pull through, look through, break through, carry through, follow through, as though, roughly, drought, thorough, thoroughly, no less than, pass, pass out, pass on, pass by, pass away, passage, throat, dough, throw up.